Most of us have tried some sort of self-help or self-improvement plan at some point in our adult lives. It's only natural to want to change, especially (and stereotypically) at the start of a New Year. Perhaps you've wanted to battle a weight problem, become a better entrepreneur, improve your self-esteem or…of course…increase your success with the opposite sex.
But most people who try to tackle an obstacle in their lives, despite taking the first step, typically FAIL. Usually this is after only a brief period of giving it a try.
Why does this pattern repeat itself over and over? And what makes the difference in the lives of the relatively few people who succeed at making real and lasting change in their lives?
Well, in the case of dieting and exercise, the answer may be as simple as it's just too difficult to break the habits one has to in order to get into better shape. Indeed, the media knows this and therefore there's a marketing bonanza tied to endless physical self-help programs. The same can be said for programs designed to help smokers quit.